New Day Pastoral
Counseling Services
(630) 557-6229

Meet Gracie!
This heart capturing K-9, is an awesome asset to our practice. Gracie is a registered AKC Canine Good Citizen, Certified Therapy Dog , and is learning the ropes of Search and Recovery work. Gracie and the Rev. are members of Canine Search and Recovery, Inc. (CSAR).
Gracie is 62% American Staffordshire Terrier and 38% American Pitbull Terrier. She is 30 + lbs. of pure unconditional love. With a gentle, quiet demeanor she quickly warms up to people and other animals. Laying patiently in the laps of nursing home residents in Memory Care or by the side of an anxious, bedbound Hospice patient, people feel Gracie's unconditional love and it is amazing to watch the chemistry and the miracle happen when Gracie's presence calms the anxious, relaxes the restless, and fills every life she touches with pure joy and a sense of peace . She's truly doing God's work of bringing comfort, peace, hope and healing to people from children to adults.
Interestingly Dog spelled backwards is God and a dog's unconditional love certainly reflects the unconditional love God has for all people no matter who they are. Request an appointment with Gracie and Rev. today. Just fill out the contact page and we can schedule an in-home visit if you are in the 7 Greater Chicagoland Counties. We also offer online and, Counseling by phone.
The Rev and Gracie
the Wonder Therapy K-9

Meet Blackberry
Blackberry,ACB ( Ace Comfort Bunny), is a super- cuddly, super-soft member of our Pet Therapy team. He was born around mid-May and was welcomed into our family and practice on June 4th. Blackberry is a New Zealand mix rabbit. He is litter box trained and loves being held and petted.
Premiering January 15, 2025!!!
Catch The Rev on BoldBraveTV, Wednesday evenings at 8:PM CST/(9:PM EST. The Rev. will feature life impacting topics like suicide, breast cancer, sextortion & child sex trafficking, stopping school shootings, faith & healthy bodies and more. Most shows will feature an exciting guest line up and listener call-in.
The Rev’s 1 hour program will be simulcast on 20+ broadcasting platforms, including, Talk Shop.Live, Amazon Fire TV, Spotify TV, ROKU TV, Daily Motion, Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Spotify TV, Twitter/X Live, Rumble, LinkedIn Live, iHeart Radio, Deezer Radio, Sound Cloud, Spreaker, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast and other networks. BoldBrave TV has a Global Reach of over 150 million subscribers.
The Rev. partners with (Ret.) Detective Rich Wistocki to protect kids from cyber-pedophiles, cyber-bullies and keep their schools safe from school shootings.
Coming Blog Attractions!!!
A Day in the Life of an SRO
The Rev. recently did a ride-along with Student Resource Officer (SRO) Rigoberto Bernal of the Glendale Heights, IL, Police Dept. The success of an SRO hinges on their giftedness in establishing a supportive presence, relationships and building trust. Here's what I learned from my experience.

Rich Wistocki is a child crime expert and retired detective from Illinois who has dedicated his career to helping children by tirelessly pursuing, apprehending and prosecuting child predators, Rich is also leading the charge to Stop School Shootings. He is the owner of Be Sure Consulting. www.besureconsulting.com.
Rich crisscrosses the Country going to
schools teaching students and parents responsible digital activity. Rich also trains Student Resource Officers (SROs), and school administrators on how they can effectively Stop School Shootings (75%).
The Rev.is In!

MOBILE in YOUR HOME (Greater Chicagoland Area only)
ECounsel TeleCounseling Anywhere
SOLUTIONS Contract PRN Chaplain/Spiritual Counselors for Healthcare Biz.
Interactive Workshops & Presentations
Wedding Ceremonies
What People are Saying
"You have been with me every step I took, forwards or backwards...you understand who I am. What has been so hard for me, you say to me [that] I can do it" N.B. Client Chicago
"Provides mobile counseling that is fully accessible! A Passionate listener to help you solve whatever comes your way!"
Cheryl Susman ADHD Coaching
"She's one of a kind and really cares."
Ellen Corey
Coaching by Corey
"You have impacted our patients greatly and that will always make you dear to us."
Lamari Brayboy III
Meridian Hospice & Palliative Care
"Carlene is empathic and caring, with a strong background in counseling, and especially in the area of long-term health issues and elder care. "
What's In It for You
Fresh Start
faq about new day
NEW DAy's story
Is New Day just for people who are religious?
Not at all. Owner, Rev. Carlene Appel, works with all people regardless of whether or not they hold to a particular faith, or set of beliefs. She has even worked with atheists under Hospice care.
How does Pastoral Counseling differ from regular Counseling?
In addition to Counseling, a Pastoral Counselor also has specialized education and training in matters of spirituality, religious faith, and different religions. Thus, if a client wishes to include any of these during their sessions, a Pastoral Counselor is qualified and competent to do so. Rev. Carlene holds a Master of Divinity degree (M.Div.), from Northern Seminary, and is an Ordained American Baptist minister. Having been raised in Roman Catholicism, she helps countless numbers of Catholics every year. Over the past year, she has become a vessel of healing to survivors of predator priests.
Is New Day a faith-based Counseling Practice?
Yes. This means Rev. Carlene or any Counselor working for New Day, won't discourage clients from exploring their spirituality or faith-related questions. Some clients have had questions of faith for years, but fear rejection from their clergy or people they have been worshipping with. Some have walked away from their faith or religion entirely.
Wait a minute, aren't faith and religion the same thing?
Not at all. Religion is a human-constructed system providing a set of specific organized beliefs. While many find religion helpful to explain life, provide a moral compass, and connect them to the Divine, others do not. Some have suffered abuse or otherwise deeply hurt by clergy or religious people.
OK, how is faith different from religion then?
Faith, is something we are endowed with by our Creator. We first utilize faith shortly after birth. Though not aware of it or what it is, a helpless newborn, if not abused or neglected, soon develops a sense of faith and trust that s/he will have their needs met. Most people have faith in the God of their understanding, but others claim faith in Science, nature, or even their own abilities. More basic, humans practice blind faith every day that their car is going to run, that they will get to and from work, school, & back home safely, and that they will live to see another day.
I've heard that New Day is Christ-centered. What does that mean?
Glad you asked. It's a way of being. New Day strives to imitate Christ in the way business is conducted and how we treat all people, not just our clients. This means standing beside someone, not over them and building relationships with people regardless of race, class or gender. Being honest, ethical, accountable; practicing good listening skills, extending compassion, dignity, grace, forgiveness, mercy, respect, and unconditional love. It includes speaking up and holding people accountable for injustices, and when they are planning or doing damaging & destructive acts to themselves or others.
So a New Day Counselor won't push religion on me?
Absolutely not! That would be very un-Christlike. He was always invitational and respected a person's choice. New Day strives to always imitate Jesus Christ, so whether you're religious or not, it doesn't matter. We stand ready to help if you are dealing with depression, grief, trauma, abuse, marital conflict, etc. If you need mentoring, life coaching, or premarital counseling. If you have become disabled. If you have a loved one with Alzheimer's or Dementia. Whoever you are, New Day invites you to lay your burdens down with us and experience compassionate, non-judgmental care wherever you call home, or at a safe location if the home isn't safe, or online .
New Day is the FIRST Contract PRN Service Provider of Chaplains/Spiritual Care Coordinators to Hospices, home health agencies & other health care providers, businesses as well as assisted living, memory care, nursing & rehabilitation centers, retirement communities, supportive living centers .
Owner Rev. Carlene Appel is:
Fully insured for liability,
BLS-AED Certified
Fluent in multiple Medical software programs including McKesson, Healthwyse, Allscripts, Homecare Homebase (HCHB), Kinnser, HospiceMD
Always professionally attired
Million-dollar smile greeting customers
Ready to go with minimal orientation time
Knows the business side of healthcare business
your security our priority
When it comes to HIPAA compliance and confidentiality, New Day is like a mother bear protecting her cubs.
Our main computer is protected with Sophos. No back door for hackers to break into your data.
Continually monitored by an off-site top-level clearance Cybersecurity Specialist.
All devices have a VPN line.
Our customers' security is top priority--NO compromises!
"Carlene is empathic and caring, with a strong background in counseling, and especially in the area of long-term health issues and elder care. "
NEW DAy's story
your security our priority
When it comes to HIPAA compliance and confidentiality, New Day is like a mother bear protecting her cubs.
Our main computer is protected with Sophos. No back door for hackers to break into your data.
Continually monitored by an off-site top-level clearance Cybersecurity Specialist.
All devices have a VPN line.
Our customers' security is top priority--NO compromises!

NEW DAY's story

How does Pastoral Counseling differ from regular Counseling?
In addition to Counseling, a Pastoral Counselor also has specialized education and training in matters of spirituality, religious faith, and different religions. Thus, if a client wishes to include any of these during their sessions, a Pastoral Counselor is qualified and competent to do so.
Rev. Carlene holds a Master of Divinity degree (M.Div.), from Northern Seminary, and is an Ordained American Baptist minister. Additionally, having been raised Roman Catholic, she has been able to help countless numbers of Catholics every year. Over the past year, she has become a vessel of healing to survivors of predator priests.
Is New Day a faith-based Counseling Practice?
Yes. This means Rev. Carlene or any Counselor working for New Day, won't discourage clients from exploring their spirituality or faith-related questions. Some clients have had questions of faith for years, but fear rejection from their clergy or people they have been worshipping with. Some have walked away from their faith or religion entirely.
Wait a minute, aren't faith and religion the same thing?
Not at all. Religion is a human-constructed system providing a set of specific organized beliefs. While many find religion helpful to explain life, provide a moral compass, and connect them to the Divine, others do not. Some have suffered abuse or been otherwise deeply hurt by clergy or religious people.
OK, so how is faith different from religion then?
Faith, is something we are endowed with by our Creator. We first utilize faith shortly after birth. Though not aware of it or what it is, a helpless newborn, if not abused or neglected, soon develops a sense of faith and trust that s/he will have their needs met. While most people have faith in the God of their understanding, others claim faith in Science, nature, or even their own abilities. On a more basic level, humans practice blind faith every day that their car is going to run, that they will get to work, school, & back home safely, and that they will live to see another day.
I've heard that New Day is Christ-centered. What does that mean?
Glad you asked. It's a way of being. New Day strives to imitate Christ in the way business is conducted and how we treat all people, not just our clients. Check out what the Gospels say. Jesus did what no Rabbi of his day would ever do. He chose on purpose to hang out with those who were outcasts from the religious culture and their society. He didn't finger point. He met people where they were-and loved them. Read it yourself. What you have to understand is that Jesus came to inaugurate His Father's economy, which turned culture on its head.
That's interesting. Say more about that please.
It's actually pretty simple. God is 100% about relationship. Has been from the start. Go all the way back to Genesis. The first thing He did after Adam & Eve got cast out from the Garden of Eden was to clothe them. What any good Parent would do. No matter how bratty your toddlers get, you still provide for their needs because you love them unconditionally. Outcasts were drawn to Jesus and moved to make needed changes in their lives because He met them where they were, and loved them unconditionally.
People who don't fit in, who hunger for something better, need someone to meet them where they are at. Someone who can see through the baggage they come with and love them unconditionally. That's key. People come to us because there's brokenness in their life. they don't need me or any member of my team pointing that out to them.
So a New Day Counselor won't push religion on me?
Absolutely not! That would be very un-Christlike. He was always invitational and respected a person's choice. New Day strives to always imitate Jesus Christ. That means we wait for a client invite. That honors our clients' God given free will and right to self-determination. Coming to a Pastoral Counselor means we are qualified to help you explore faith, religion and spirituality. So whether you're religious or not, it doesn't matter. We stand ready to help: if you are dealing with depression, grief, trauma, abuse, relationship conflicts. If you need mentoring, life coaching, premarital counseling. If you have become disabled. If you have a loved one with Alzheimer's or Dementia.
Summarize New Day Pastoral Counseling Services
We stand beside someone, not over them and building relationships with ALL people-PERIOD! Being honest, ethical, accountable; practicing good listening skills. Extending compassion, dignity, grace, forgiveness, mercy, respect, and unconditional love. Unconditional love also holds people accountable for owning their choices, taking responsibility for making amends where needed, and demonstrating by action commitment to do the hard work of change as we come alongside as their navigator. In this way New Day lives out its Mission and Values.
Healthcare providers, agencies and facilities here's the solution to the time and expense it takes to create temporary and PRN spiritual care positions. New Day is the FIRST Contract PRN Service Provider of Chaplains/Spiritual Care Coordinators to Hospices, home health agencies & other health care providers, as well as assisted living, memory care, and nursing & rehabilitation facilities, retirement communities, and supportive living centers. If you need a Spiritual Care person as a fill-in, while in transition, or while searching for a permanent Chaplain, think SOLUTIONS by New Day for all your temporary spiritual care needs.
Owner & Principle Counselor Rev. Carlene Appel is:
Fully insured for liability.
BLS-AED Certified.
Certified in Trauma, Grief, Compassion Fatigue, and Dementia Care
Fluent in multiple Medical software programs including McKesson, Healthwyse, Allscripts, Homecare Homebase (HCHB), Kinnser, HospiceMD, Optima.
Always professionally attired, so your company always looks good.
Always greeting your customers with a Million-dollar smile.
Always ready to go with minimal orientation time.
Knowledgeable in the business side of healthcare.
An active member of the Bloomingdale Chamber of Commerce.
A visionary. In 2021 she welcomed the Rev. Janeane Forrest Banaza as her first team member. New Day's 5 & 10 year business plans began to move forward. More pastoral care professionals as New Day grows. Rev. Carlene, who has a history as a trail blazer, believes that in the future, agencies like hers will become as commonplace as PRN Nurse agencies.
Rev. Carlene also offers a variety of interactive presentations for staff in-services, patients, family members, and your community. Topics include Compassion Fatigue, Trauma/Grief & Loss, Suicide Intervention & Recovery, Hospice 101, and Alzheimer's Disease & other forms of Dementia: Improving Visits and Care Delivery.

frequently asked questions
Rev. Carlene was inspired to birth a new kind of Counseling and Care service to serve those who were needing a Counselor but unable or unwilling to travel to see one. For some, it's lack of transportation, a perceived stigma about mental illness, fear of leaving one's home, shame, embarrassment, or a thousand other reasons people can't or won't get the help they need.
God drew her attention to the benefits of providing this much-needed service to the Chicagoland area and beyond, wherever people call home. This was to be affordable and available to anybody, religious and non-religious alike, no prejudgment, and unconditional love--the same reasons people sought out Jesus for HOPE and HEALING.
THAT'S NOT ALL FOLKS!!! Rev. Carlene who is in her 17th year (2024) of providing Chaplain/Spiritual Counselor services to Hospice patients, expanded to become 1st in the U.S. Provider of Contract PRN Chaplain/Spiritual Counselor Services to Healthcare Businesses.
The response has been so good that she is adding more staff to accomodate our current and new Healthcare business clients' needs.
New Day Pastoral Counseling Services was born April 1, 2018--no April fools joke! In-home visits are available in these 7 Chicagoland Counties: Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will. ON-LINE Counseling is available anywhere in the U.S. and Internationally.

"You have impacted our patients greatly and that will always make you dear to us."
Lamari Brayboy III
Meridian Hospice & Palliative Care

Your Security Our Priority
When it comes to HIPAA compliance and confidentiality, New Day is like a mother bear protecting her cubs.
Our main computer is protected with Sophos. No back door for hackers to break into your data.
Continually monitored by an off-site top-level clearance Cybersecurity Specialist.
All devices have a VPN line.
Our customers' security is top priority--NO compromises!
"Carlene is empathic and caring, with a strong background in counseling, and especially in the area of long-term health issues and elder care. "
Susan NC Price
SPrice Editorial Services

Rev. Carlene Appel began her ministry career in 1994,
Earned her Master of Divinity degree (M.Div.) in 2001 from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary (now Northern Seminary), Lombard, IL
Ordained to Pastoral Ministry in the American Baptist Churches U.S.A. denomination in 2001
Certified in: Trauma/PTSD, Grief, Dementia Care, Crtical Incident Stress Mgt., Emergency Response Chaplaincy
Has served as a Senior Adult Pastor, Hospital Chaplain, Hospice Chaplain (17 years 2024), Solo Church Pastor, and more.
First Responder, Handler/Owner of K-9 Gracie CGC, Certified Therapy Dog (CTD) and Human Remains Detection (HRD) Dog- in-training.
Founded a Chaplain Corps for the Specialized Interagency Response Team (SIRT) of the Henry County(IL) Sheriff's Dept. and served as its Coordinator, recruiting and training local pastors to respond to WMD incidents and natural disasters.
Experienced suicide interventionist and trainer.
Trained in WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) and WMD Incident Commander (COBRA), through the Depts. of Justice (DOJ) and Homeland Security.
Training and Certificate in Critical Incident Stress Mgt. CISM
Graduate of Citizen's Police Academy Training through the Bloomingdale and Glendale Hts. Police Depts.
Presenter of Interactive learning workshops and seminars.
Training through NCMEC (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children) on Child Sex Trafficking and member of ICAC (Internet Crimes Against Children) task force.
Pastoral Counseling offered to help individuals with
ADHD & Executive Function Deficits
Grief and Loss
Career and Life Mentoring
Premarital Counseling
Marriage Counseling
Sexual Assault,
Trauma related to emotional, physical, psychological and sexual abuses. This includes victims of elder abuse and survivors of predator priests/clergy.